I've always had a shady corner in the back yard that the birds love - they have water, food and shelter and we're lucky to have a pretty full back yard. This year I decided to extend it to roughly 25 ft by 12 feet, so that on those days that I couldn't go out shooting I could sit on the back deck and bring the birds to me.
I included lots of driftwood and rocks for perching (most birds prefer to land on a perch before landing on the ground) and a new multi-level fountain that looks like it is made of rock was a huge hit, especially with the fledglings!
Next summer I will make some changes but overall I was very happy with it and for the first year had an oriole family spent time with us! Here are a few of the visitors so far this summer:
This Cardinal fledge must have discovered splashing water for the first time - he played in the fountain for over an hour while dad waited on the fence, calling him repeatedly to come and have dinner. |
Young Oriole who insisted dad feed him. When dad said no, he proceeded to feed himself just fine. It doesn't hurt to ask! |
Oriole Dad |
Oriole Mom |
Freshly-fledged Grackle - Priceless!
This blog entry wouldn't be complete without an honourable mention. Meet Rocky Raccoon. I finally had to bring my feeders in at night because he would drain the fountain and the feeders. He also took two of my neighbour's feeders down off their hooks and brought them into my back yard! I think he was asking for a refill. He hasn't been around for a few weeks and I miss him.
Rocky Raccoon - Caught in the Act! |
Another non-feathered friend is this Red Squirrel |
Even the dogs keep their distance when a Red Squirrel starts nattering at them. There were four this year - a mom and dad with two babies. Not sure which one this is because they grow up so fast!
This is one section of the bird garden. Oddly enough, I haven't taken photos of the garden in its entirety - too busy focusing on the critters! Speaking of getting caught in the act, Osgrrr is in the background here peeping through a hole in the fence at my neighbours - his favourite summer past-time!