Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Owl Foundation

When a sick or orphaned Owl is found in Ontario, there's a good chance it will end up being cared for at The Owl Foundation.  This rehab facility has returned countless owls back to the wild, and I have had the privilege of doing some releases for them. 

Today I released a Grey-Morph Eastern Screech Owl in Toronto, and a Red-Morph Eastern Screech Owl in Durham Region.

What you see in the photo of the Grey-Morph is a typical "I don't know what's going on but I like it" expression.

In the Red-Morph photo you will see an owl who seems to have a few choice words for me - I named him "Stink Eye" (I think the reason is obvious)  Evidently it takes some owls a little more time to leave the release site than others!

Grey-Morph Eastern Screech Owl

Red-Morph Eastern Screech Owl

Here are a couple of others I've released for The Owl Foundation that I've been able to photograph (most of the time they are gone in an instant).

Great-Horned Owl released in Toronto

Eastern Screech Owl released in Durham Region
A huge thanks to Kay and the great staff at TOF for doing what they do!  To donate, click on the Sponsorship link at

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Adventures of "Nest Head"

Every year we have at least one clutch of beautiful baby robins that nest close to our front door.  This year's babies were as adorable as ever.  June 11 was fledge day - lots of excitement from the parents and the little birds! 
The first two fledged earlier that morning.  The last robin, who we nicknamed "nest head" (you'll see why in a minute), was last to go.

Back when I was in the cradle with my siblings.

My last room service meal

It only took about 20 minutes to get my courage...and off I went!.  First flight ever!

What a landing!

Let me in the house - it's scary out here! (Still wearing a piece of his nest)

Where's that son of mine?

Two hours later, "Nest Head" still hasn't completely shaken the nest out of his feathers.

Whew!  Mom and Dad still love me!

"Nest Head's" sibling.
No matter where I was in the garden I was greeted by one of the fledglings.

It is such a treat to be able to watch nature unfold like that.  And Robin parents are the best!