Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Mountain Bluebird Visits Whitby

For a few weeks now we have been graced with the presence of a rare and beautiful bird in south Whitby, Ontario - the Mountain Bluebird.

Not to be confused with the Eastern Bluebird, which is exciting to see but present here during the spring and summer months, the Mountain Bluebird is a very uncommon visitor to Durham Region and likely veered off course during a storm.  Western Canada is where it is normally found.

This female Mountain Bluebird has attracted a lot of attention to the area, choosing to not only stay in one corn field, but only on the north side of this field, and on some days there have been 30+ birders and photographers watching her flit from one perch to another.

Mountain Bluebird, Female - seen in south Whitby Ontario
On my first visit to see her I was amazed at how many insects she was able to pounce on and grab, with what appeared to be no effort at all.  But I was worried about her chances of survival should the fields become icy this winter.

According to,  Mountain Bluebirds eat mostly insects but in winter consume plant items including berries and seeds.  This area has plenty of seed heads and berries so hopefully this bird will make it through the winter.

Mountain Bluebird, Female
A rare and beautiful visitor!


  1. Hey Chris, I shared this on the Ontario Eastern Bluebird Society Facebook page. Hope you don't mind.
