Saturday, April 4, 2015

Visiting the Tundras

On the way to a family Easter dinner in St. Thomas, we made a quick stop in Aylmer, Ontario to visit the migrating Tundra Swans.  We see 50 or so every year in Durham, but I couldn't resist the temptation to see several hundred in one marsh.

Aylmer Wildlife  Management Area is a preferred Tundra Swan stop-over year after year, where they see between 10,000 and 60,000 migrating swans each season.  For more information,

The migration doesn't last long and we stopped by during the tail end.  My guess is that there were between 400-600 the day we went.

Amazing to watch them!  They were quite animated in their interaction with one another, and they would frequently do fly-bys as well.  And nothing beats their mumbling vocalization.  It was a combination of a school yard at recess, and a busy airport.

Gossiping at Recess!

Tundra Swans

Tundra Swan
Lots of incoming and outgoing flights.

Tundra Swan in Aylmer
Tundra Swans Taking Off

Great to see them...and its always nice to see a distant surprise Bald Eagle, who stole some of the Tundra's thunder.

Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle

Tundra Swan in Flight
Tundra Swan in Flight
I'm really hoping that I will see a few here in Durham over the next week or so.  Beautiful birds!

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