This weekend we headed to Haliburton Highlands for a little R&R and a whole lot of photography. I had only seen a few ravens in my time until this trip, where we were seeing 20-30 at once. They were quite curious and so vocal - what a great call they have. It sounds like a cross between a heron and a crow.
Early mornings at the cottage were cool but beautiful, with heavy mist on the water. I tried my best to see or hear on owl but no luck.
Hailburton Wolf Centre |
We did, however hear wolves and although we were located near the Haliburton Wolf Centre, the howls were from a pack across the water.
Before heading for home, we tackled a couple of trails in Algonquin and saw evidvence of moose...but we are still moose-less in Ontario. Sigh.
Gray Jay, Algonquin Park Ontario |
Instead, we spent some quality time with some beautiful Gray Jays.
Is anything cuter?