Every year I visit a pair of Osprey who nest 45 minutes from my house. Usually the photo ops aren't great because the nest is pretty high up, but I enjoy watching and learning about them (though I secretly hoped to get even a distant photo of one of the parents bringing a fish to the nest).
Mama Osprey and I waited for 45 minutes for dad to bring her breakfast and, despite my diligence in constantly scanning the skies, he somehow delivered grub to the nest without me seeing. I watched the couple for a few minutes and then started to pack up my gear, wishing them a successful clutch and feeling a little outsmarted. But the male must have taken pity on me because he suddenly left the nest, still carrying the fish I thought had already been consumed, and flew toward me, slowly glided overhead for several minutes. I wouldn't have even known had I not seen his shadow on the ground in front of me.
I managed to snap a few photos despite my excitement.
Male soaring overhead with fish |
Did you get your shot yet?? |
Mom and I waited patiently for dad to bring breakfast |